Добре дошли в новата седмица на Крейзи предизвикателството, където в следващите 7 дни ще правим картички, странички, кутийки на тема "Ти си звезда". Тази седмица имаме нов спонсор, а имено
Busy beauties, ето и малко информация за тях на английски:
It's a new week here in the Crazy challenge and this week we want to see "You are a star" projects. We have a fabulous new sponsor for this week Busy beauties, and here is some info about them:
"Busy Beauties is the brainstorm of two friends who wanted to create fun images that were reasonably priced & a joy to create with. After many late night conversations, we finally decided to make this dream a reality…and here we are. Hopefully, you will find exactly what you are looking for & will enjoy playing with our images. In time, we hope to have a greater selection of digital stamps to suit your creative needs. Our plan is to have new releases twice a month. So, if you do not find what you are looking for during this visit, maybe it will be here during your next."
Ето и какво подготви нашият екип за ваше вдъхновение:
Here are our very talanted DT's projects:
5 коментара:
I hope my interpretation of stars is okay! Thanks for the fun challenge!
Great challenge again:)))Your projects are really sweet:)))
Have a nice day:))
Great challenge! Sorry #36 is a mis-link! Please remove it! Thanks! Scrappy
Hello predizvitatelstvoto participate in a new blog
Hi thanks so much for the challenge. I had a great time :)
Lisa W
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