It was a great crafty week here. So colorful girly projects, not only in pink. And I'm so happy you were a part of that. Real amazing cards, girls. Thank you that you show us your wonderful creations!
Беше страхотна творческа седмица. Толкова многоцветни момически проекти, а не само в розовата гама. Много съм щастлива, че бяхте част от това. Наистина страхотни картички, момичета. Благодаря ви, че ни показахте вашите прекрасни творения!
This week Random winner is:
Тази седмица Random победител е:
#3 Lisa Jane
Please contact Kelly at kmsmith@sky.comto claim your price.
Моля да се свържеш с Kelly на,за да получиш наградата си.
It was so hard to choose only 3 cards. But let's present them:
Беше много трудно да изберем само 3 картички. Но нека ви ги представя:
44 Tracy MacDonald
45 Sarah
94 Lorraine A
Don't forget to grab your badget from the sidebar.
Не забравяйте да си вземете значки.
Thanks to everyone who entered. You were all fabulous! Hope to see you again soon.
Благодаря на всички, които участваха! Бяхте страхотни! Надявам се да ви видим отново.
Congrats to the winners.
ОтговорИзтриванеWOOHOO! Thank you so much ladies! Congrats to Lisa Jane, Sarah, and Lols! :-)
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you so much! Congrats to the other winners, your cards are fabulous! Hugs
ОтговорИзтриванеoh wow just seen i am the winner - thank you so much ..
ОтговорИзтриванеwell done to the top 3 too.. fabulous cards
Lisa x
Well done to this weeks winners. They are all gorgeous cards.
ОтговорИзтриванеDoes anybody know who won inspired by a movie?