Честит ви понеделник отново!
В забързаното ни ежедневие често не ни остава време за любимите и важни хора около нас. Тези които ни подкрепят, обичат и разбира се ни търпят ;-)
Това може да е половинката, децата, приятел или родител. Тази седмица ще бъде точно за тях, защото ще им правим картичка, за да им благодарим.
CCH #41 Благодаря ти
Благодарим ви, че участвате в Крейзито и ни радвате с красотите си!
Миналата седмица имахме 99 участия! УАУ!
Happy monday again!
In our busy life we often don't have time for all the precious people who support and love us no matter what.
It could be your better half, kids, a friend or a parent. This week will be dedicated to them because we will make some cards to show how thankful we are.
CCH #41 Thank you or Thanksgiving
Thank you for playing with us and show us your gorgeous creations!
В забързаното ни ежедневие често не ни остава време за любимите и важни хора около нас. Тези които ни подкрепят, обичат и разбира се ни търпят ;-)
Това може да е половинката, децата, приятел или родител. Тази седмица ще бъде точно за тях, защото ще им правим картичка, за да им благодарим.
CCH #41 Благодаря ти
Благодарим ви, че участвате в Крейзито и ни радвате с красотите си!
Миналата седмица имахме 99 участия! УАУ!
Happy monday again!
In our busy life we often don't have time for all the precious people who support and love us no matter what.
It could be your better half, kids, a friend or a parent. This week will be dedicated to them because we will make some cards to show how thankful we are.
CCH #41 Thank you or Thanksgiving
Thank you for playing with us and show us your gorgeous creations!
Last week we had 99 entries! WOW!

Спонсор тази седмица е отново Robyn's Fetish Digital Stamps And More!
Победителката ще спечели 5 диги печата или 4 диги печата и 1 комплект диги хартии!
Robyn's Fetish Digital Stamps And More is proud to sponsor this challenge.
Robyn's Fetish Digital Stamps And More, a division of I Did It Creations, was created and is
is owned by Robyn Weinrib. Robyn offers a wonderful variety of digital stamps and digital papers, designed to meet the needs of all digital paper crafting addicts for every occasion.
Robyn's Fetish Digital Stamps And More is happy to offer the winner of this challenge 5 digital stamps
or 4 digital stamps and 1 digital paper set of their choice.
Спонсор тази седмица е отново Robyn's Fetish Digital Stamps And More!
Победителката ще спечели 5 диги печата или 4 диги печата и 1 комплект диги хартии!
Robyn's Fetish Digital Stamps And More is proud to sponsor this challenge.
Robyn's Fetish Digital Stamps And More, a division of I Did It Creations, was created and is
is owned by Robyn Weinrib. Robyn offers a wonderful variety of digital stamps and digital papers, designed to meet the needs of all digital paper crafting addicts for every occasion.
Robyn's Fetish Digital Stamps And More is happy to offer the winner of this challenge 5 digital stamps
or 4 digital stamps and 1 digital paper set of their choice.
Ето малко вдъхновение от нашите дизайнери:
Here is some inspiration from our designers:
lovely DT work x
ОтговорИзтриванеGreat challenge! I love the theme. Thanks for your time visiting my card.
ОтговорИзтриванеHugs, Edith
Beautiful, beautiful samples!!! Thanks for a fun challenge! God Bless!